Life Clock, 2012. Den Frie Center of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark. Ebbe Stub Witttrup
in collaboration with Troels Sandegård. Curated by A Kassen.

Ten Sealed Images #1, A Sinking Oil Tanker, 2004

Ten Sealed Images #2, The Tower of The Winds, Athens, 1923

Ten Sealed Images #3, Scientist in Laboratory, 2006

Ten Sealed Images #4, Aquanauts Inside a Divingbell, 1998

Ten Sealed Images #5, The crash of the Hindenburg, 1937
Press release
Thai artist Att Poomtangon has cooperated with a shipwright in order to construct a traditional fishing boat which can be borrowed and taken on a cruise around one of Copenhagen’s lakes. This takes place in connection with the summer exhibition Life Clock at Den Frie Center of Contemporary Art. With this generous gesture, Att Poomtangon adds practical usage to his work and allows his Summer Boat to chip away at the divide between art and reality. Summer Boat is one of several works of art at the Life Clock exhibition, which draws elements of real life directly into Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art.
Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art is proud to present Life Clock – an exhibition curated by the art group A Kassen. Every summer, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art invites artists to curate an exhibition with focussing on the latest tendencies in contemporary art. This year, it is A Kassen who present their view of interesting art right now. 12 foreign and national artists have been invited to partake in the exhibition. The title of the exhibition is taken from one of the works on display, Life Clock, by French artist Bertrand Planes. The piece consist of a clock which does not record time as hours and minutes, but instead counts years and age approximated from the average lifespan of a Frenchman. The clock is adjusted in such a way that it is 54.800 slower than a normal clock and keeps time with the artists’ actual age. With this simple gesture, Bertrand Planes changes our perception of time from anonymous, collective and perhaps meaningless to an image of personal vanity and a reminder of the transience of life.